- Audiometric testing service
- On-site hearing tests with results the same day
- Mobile hearing tests for WHS compliance
Our most popular service is for audiometric testing where we visit your workplace to conduct hearing screening, which is now mandatory for noise exposed workplaces* under harmonised WHS legislation.
Our mobile hearing test service incorporates the latest digital testing and reporting systems using a generous audiometric testing booth and outputting the results into an audiogram and confidential report in PDF, Excel or WORD formats. We use and encourage a paperless office through the digital recording, transfer and storage system of audiometric test results for maximum ease of backup and recall.
- Custom moulded hearing protectors
- Long life, low maintenance noise plugs
- Safety solutions that allow hearing-in-noise
We provide custom noise protection solutions ranging from low maintainance industrial grade plugs, to sophisticated solutions that utilise a combination of passive and active noise reduction. We have communication-in-noise solutions that allow plug-and-play for VHF, UHF, bluetooth and similar proprietary systems.
Our standard custom noise protection system has adjustable attenuation, National Acoustics Labaratory certified rating and an annual monitoring and cleaning service. We work with an Australian laboratory with over 30 years experience in hearing protection moulding and manufacture.
- Noise assessments
- Occupational noise monitoring
- Workplace noise risk assessments
An occupational noise assessment is a fundamental part of any workplace hearing conservation program. Underpinning WHS legislation on noise and hearing is the need to document noise exposure levels for a given activity. We offer a suite of noise monitoring and occupational noise measurement services that give you confidence and reflect global best practice. Our noise consultants use NATA accredited equipment and report against Australian standards. Our reports include risk assessments that become invaluable workforce planning tools.
Mobile audiometric testing - Noise assessments - Custom moulded hearing protection
Pre-employment hearing checks - Noise management plans - Ototoxicity audits
Toolbox talks by occupational noise and hearing professionals
Specialist communication-in-noise solutions and noise protection for hearing aid wearers
Mobile hearing tests, noise monitoring and custom hearing protection service serving all states (except WA)
Associate member of Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists and Hearing Aid Audiometrists Society of Australia
Don't know where to start? Ask for our no-obligation consultation on developing a hearing conservation and noise management program to match your business.
Contact us for indicative estimates or full quotations or call us on 1300 414 260 for advice.
All work is fully insured and performed according to Hearing Conservation Standards contained in AS/NZS 1269:4 (2014) and National Acoustics Laboratory standards of assessment and the Code of Practice on Managing Noise and Preventing Hearing Loss at Work and governed by harmonised state WHS Acts.
We are currently undergoing the ISO quality accreditation process for Quality, Health and Safety and Environmental Management Systems and will update this page once this is attained.